Lombardia aerospace export: almost doubled
in 2023 compared to 2022

14 companies, mostly SMEs, are present at the Farnborough International Airshow 2024 together
with the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster

Angelo Vallerani, President of the Cluster: “Lombardia’s aerospace technological know-how is also made up of numerous small and medium-sized enterprises that can establish themselves abroad”

The lombard aerospace industry exported goods worth almost 1,9 billion euros in 2023, marking +83,4% compared to the previous year. These are the numbers, processed by the Confindustria Varese Study Center, with which the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster presented itself at the international appointment with the Farnborough International Airshow 2024, closing today, representing a system that includes more than 200 companies with almost 22 thousand employees, generating a value added on the territory of 6.3 billion euros and represents, alone, almost a quarter of Italian exports in the sector.

During the last years, the european market has represented the main foreign market for the lombard aerospace sector, with continuous growth, especially concentrated towards historical partners such as the United Kingdom (198 million), Germany (125 million) and France (57 million) and towards also new destinations, such as Poland (123 million), Greece (154 million) and Turkey (65 million).

The North American market, led by the United States, was also confirmed to be really significant: it is the first export country ever in the lombard aerospace sector, with 250 million euros. Surprising, over the last two years, has been the exponential growth of the East Asian markets, thanks especially to exports to China, South Korea and Japan. A great leap forward, also, for Saudi Arabia’s exports to the Middle East, which in 2022 was positioned in 88th place among the destination countries for lombard aerospace products and in 2023 rose to the sixth step, with 96 million.

The primacy of the province of Varese

Over the last 10 years (2013-2023) aerospace exports from the province of Varese and those from the Lombardia region have moved in a substantially aligned manner. As regards the general trend, both territories showed strong fluctuations in exports, with peaks in 2015 and 2018, followed by significant declines in 2019-2020: 2023 marked a strong recovery, exceeding pre-Covid-19 pandemic levels. The province of Varese alone grew by +96,7% between 2023 and 2022, with 1,4 billion euros in exports. During 2023, Varese appears as the only exporting center in Lombardia, in countries such as Greece, Poland and Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the province of Varese covers the majority of Lombardia’s exports to the EU and the Middle East. In general, the analysis conducted by the Confindustria Varese Study Center confirms the predominant role of Varese in lombard aerospace exports, as well as at a national level (with a weight substantially overlapping with the regional one).

President Angelo Vallerani comment

“This analysis highlights the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of the aerospace sector in the Lombardia region, which has long been capable of adapting to new markets, with remarkable resilience in the face of global challenges. It is not surprising, therefore, the renewed trust of historical partners in consolidated commercial exchanges, but also the opening to unexplored markets heralding innovative opportunities. The data relating to export trends in the lombard aerospace sector reveal a growing trend that is gradually becoming increasingly consolidated. This is demonstrated by the same companies present together with the Cluster at the Farnborough 2024 international exhibition. Together we want to send a clear and precise message to the international market of the sector: Lombardia’s aerospace technological know-how is also made up of numerous small and medium-sized companies that can establish themselves abroad, teaming up and appearing united at one of the most important global events for the sector”, comments Angelo Vallerani, President of the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster from the exhibition pavilions of the London Airshow.

The companies present in Farnborough together with the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster

This is the delegation of 14 small and medium-sized companies present in London together with the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster, of which 10 in the institutional stand 1538 of Hall 1: Ase, Aviochem, Caast, Cordon Electronics Italia, Eligio Re Fraschini, Growermetal, Italiana Ponti Radio, Mecaer Aviation Group, Merletti and Omb Saleri. The individual stands of Aerea, AMM, Logic and Secondo Mona surround this space. Leonardo, one of the big players in the district, was also present at the London Airshow with his own chalet.

Visiting the collective stand of the Cluster, also for this international mission supported by the Varese Chamber of Commerce, was Guido Guidesi, Councilor for Economic Development of the Lombardia Region, together with a delegation.

Lombardy aerospace export

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Headquarter: c/o Confindustria Lombardia
Via Pantano 9
20122 Milan – Italy

Operating Headquarter: c/o Confindustria Varese
Piazza Monte Grappa 5
21100 Varese – Italy


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