Lombardia Aerospace Cluster

Il Lombardia Aerospace Cluster è un’associazione riconosciuta che nasce nel 2009 dall’iniziativa di 8 imprese del settore e da Confindustria Varese (allora Unione degli Industriali della Provincia di Varese) e rappresenta oggi il sistema aerospaziale lombardo nella sua complessità: più di 200 imprese per circa 21.800 addetti, che generano circa 6,3 miliardi di fatturato annuo e un export dal valore di circa 1 miliardo, pari a quasi un quarto dell’export nazionale di settore. Una presenza industriale storica a cui bisogna aggiungere 4 Università e 2 Centri di Ricerca con specializzazioni nel settore.
Fin dalla sua nascita il Cluster lavora per realizzare la propria vision come sistema aerospaziale lombardo, ossia far sì che in questo settore si sviluppi un’identità collettiva unita ed in costante evoluzione, attraverso il networking nazionale ed internazionale, l’innovazione e la crescita competitiva. Scopri di seguito le Aree Tematiche attive per le progettualità del Cluster, che si affiancano al Nucleo Tecnico Scientifico, il quale ha in carico l’elaborazione e lo sviluppo di una visione strategica di lungo termine in campo R&I.


Lombardia Aerospace Cluster’s positions:

  • President: Angelo Vallerani, elected in 2016 for the next two mandates, now in office for the three-year period 2022-2024
  • Cluster Manager: Giulia Fornara
  • Governing Board for the three-year period 2022-2024: Angelo Vallerani (OHB Italia), Tiziana Mantovani (Aerea), Fabrizio Fin (Leonardo – Div. Elicotteri), Riccardo Busca (Leonardo – Div. Velivoli), Paolo Bertocchi (Leonardo – Relazioni Istituzionali), Riccardo Mona (Secondo Mona), Carmelo Cosentino, Paola Margnini (Confindustria Varese), Giuseppe Sala (Politecnico di Milano), Giovanni Pareschi (Inaf – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), Sabrina Merletti (Merletti), Sabrina Salomone (Italiana Ponti Radio), Massimo Maronati (Grammelot), Tommaso Tirelli (Aidro), Alessandro Foresio (Logic)

3 complete production chains

Rotary wing

The Lombardian helicopter sector is composed by specialized SMEs with a high technological and innovative level. They cooperate with medium/large TIER 1 (system assemblers) companies, also active on international markets, and the big players (OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturing) of the supply chain that make a wide range of helicopters: from single-engine light machines to heavy multi-engine vehicles, both for civil and military use.

Fixed wing

Small and medium-sized companies producing components, system assemblers (TIER 1), big players at international level: the Lombardian fixed-wing supply chain produces a complete range of military training aircraft: from single-engine propeller, to mono and twin-engine jets, to integrated systems for advanced pre-operation training.


The space supply chain includes the complete production of satellites with scientific payloads for Earth observation or space exploration. The sector is characterized by the presence of a strong integration of producers with land infrastructure and downstream services.

TSB and Thematic Areas

Technical-Scientific Board

Statutory unit – Coordinator: Paolo Cerabolini

  • focus su R&I
  • percorsi su industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, space economy, economia circolare
  • gestione di Focus Group su tematiche tecnologiche

Thematic Areas Coordinator: Carlo Valerio

Supply Chain and Industry

Team Leader: Carlo Valerio (ad interim)

  • knowledge and best practices among members
  • e-scouting platform
  • it develops specific paths that best qualify SMEs in international supply chains: certifications, Lean Manufacturing, KPI, contracts, product insurance…
  • Industrial Performance project


Team Leader: Sabrina Merletti

  • it increases visibility and competitiveness of SMEs on the global market
  • organization of the joined partecipation of Cluster and companies in international airshos and B2Bs

Education and Human Capital

Team Leader: Alba Ciserani

  • it improves the study paths related to the sector with local technical institutes
  • it refines the second level training with local universities
  • it updates the staff of the members through company training

Business Networking

Team Leader: Massimo Maronati

  • it supports SMEs in creating business opportunities with other Clusters’ SMEs
  • organization of Cluster2Cluster events with participation of SMEs from both side
  • developing contacts with cross-sectorial Clusters


→ To provide the Lombardian aerospace system with a united, visible and identifiable collective identity, in constant communication with the outside world.


→ To be the interface with Institutions and third parties about initiatives involving the Cluster as a whole (large companies, SMEs, universities, research centres).


To stimulate the competitive growth of SMEs through the sharing of technological scenarios, the aggregation and development of shared projects.

To foster innovation, the key feature of the Cluster, and promote support for research programs, especially towards SMEs.

To modernize the supply chain to ensure the competitiveness of SMEs towards major international players.

To promote the productive system and encourage the participation in national and international airshows, in order to increase SMEs’ competitiveness

To support and expand the excellence of the Lombardian aerospace and space industry through the creation of a network of large companies, SMEs, knowledge system and institutional subjects, which can safeguard the knowledge in the region.

To strengthen the role of institutional representative towards Regione Lombardia with regard to industrial, national and European politics in the aerospace sector.