The European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP) proudly announces its official celebration and ceremony for the EACP 10 year anniversary during the Paris Air Show on June 18<sup>th</sup>. EACP gathers 43 European clusters from over 17 different countries.
<li><strong>Description: EACP, Organization, History</strong></li>
In 2009 the EACP was founded within the framework of CLUNET, a PRO INNO EUROPE project, which encouraged the exchange of experiences and supported the implantation of concrete pilot projects regarding cluster innovation and development policies. Since then, the EACP has further developed into a permanent partnership of aerospace clusters among Europe. In 2013, the European Commission recognized the EACP as one of thirteen “European Strategic Cluster Partnerships.”

Currently, the EACP is a networking hub of 43 aerospace clusters from across Europe serving as a platform for information exchanges, policy studies and mutual-cooperation with the main objective of maintaining global competitiveness in Europe through concentrated inter-cluster collaboration by shaping the relationship between clusters, industry stakeholders, and policy makers. The focus of the EACP is to stimulate the creation of innovation through knowledge exchange, which aims to strengthen the EU’s overall position in the global aerospace market.

The EACP is organized in an informal, decentralized manner allowing for flexible communication and decision-making processes. The organizational structure of the EACP is divided into five working groups: Strategy, Internationalisation, Technology, Supply chain, and Skills. The cluster initiative Hamburg Aviation e.V. coordinates the network.
The EACP has completed several projects such as BEAWARAE, CARE, RUE AERO, CANNAPE, and ABROAD which have connected leading aerospace clusters and strengthened inter-cluster collaboration. The projects increased the exchange between European research communities, and addressed the joint strategy of internationalization, respectively.
<li><strong>General Assembly</strong></li>
Once a year, the EACP General Assembly (GA) brings all EACP members together to one place and in the past years between 35 to 50 people were present. It is a 1.5 day event of presentations consisting of reporting and discussing about the milestones and project results the EACP has achieved in the previous year as well as current topics of relevance such as giving room for strategic discussions and decisions for the EACP. This year, Torino Piemonte Aerospace will host the 2019 GA in Torino, Italy.

Previous EACP GA Locations:

2013 Bilbao (ES), 2014 Izmir (TR), 2015 Hamburg (GER), 2016 Lisbon (PT), 2017 Braunschweig (GER), 2018 Delft (NL)
<li><strong>Global Aerospace Cluster Summit</strong></li>
The 1<sup>st</sup> Global Aerospace Cluster Summit took place during the Paris Airshow in 2017 and was a great success where global cluster managers met together and held productive discussions on aerospace topics. Following the success of the 1<sup>st</sup> Summit, the 2<sup>nd</sup> Summit was held in downtown London during the framework of the Farnborough International Airshow 2018.

Both events had approximately 45+ participants with cluster managers present from around the globe from 18 different countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The next Global Aerospace Cluster Summit will be held during the Paris Airshow and we look forward to seeing many familiar faces as well as new aerospace cluster managers from around the globe!
<li><strong>Future of the EACP</strong></li>
The EACP continues to grow stronger each year by gaining new members from different regions of Europe, achieving support from the European Union, and undertaking many roles in various international projects. The EACP looks forward to the next 10 years growing stronger together by sharing knowledge, encouraging growth, supporting innovation, and strengthening relationships!
Please contact <a href=””></a> for questions and more information regarding the EACP or visit the website at <a href=””></a><strong>.</strong>



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